Law School Ruined Me
Law School Ruined Me is a bi-weekly podcast, committed to examining the relationship lawyers and law students have with their friends, family, pop culture, and the legal community at large. Expanding on years of short and long-form blogging, your host Tee (@MyJdRuinedMe) invites you to tune in as she brings her Canadian brand of humour to wherever you get your podcasts.
Law School Ruined Me
Superhero Legal Advice: Just Say No [To Super Serums]
Law School Ruined Me
Episode 23
This episode Nissa (@adustierstar / RufusJHC), Ian (@lawblrwithalcohol), and I got together to "it depends" our way through the hypothetical nightmare of lawyering in a cinematic universe. We chat equity, quitting to run away to the Caribbean, and how there's not enough money in the world to get us to defend Steven Elizabeth Rogers.
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